Sacramental Preparation
Please see the Priest after Mass on Saturday or Sunday.
Eucharist and Reconciliation
In the New Year the parents of Catholic children in the parish, in year 3 or above at school, are invited to present their children for First Reconciliation and First Communion. Catechists and the Parish Priest conduct the preparation. There are separate sessions for parents and children. As part of the preparation programme there is a service of Reconciliation during Lent at which the children make their First Confession. The children normally make their First Holy Communion towards the end of May.
Meetings for candidates are held in the Social Centre to prepare for the Sacrament. Parents are encouraged to support their children in their preparation for the Sacrament. Confirmation is usually celebrated during the Summer or Autumn terms, as and when the Bishop is available.
Those wishing to get married should normally have some connection with the Parish even if they live outside the area (e.g. parish of childhood). To enquire please see the Priest after Mass. You should contact us at least nine months prior to the proposed marriage date and certainly before booking any venues. Please note that if neither party has residency in the parish, the pre-marriage paperwork and preparation should be done in the home parish of the Catholic party. For those who do not live in the area, please contact your local Register office for more details regarding civil formalities.